Wednesday 10 August 2011

Cat's eye

What is Cat's eye ?

 Cat's eye

cat's eye stone contains needle like internal characteristic ,called inclusion ,that lie parallel to one another like the threads on the spool light reflects from the needles ,creqating a silky sheen.
cat's eye because of it's resemblance to cat's narrow pupil.
cat's eye chrysoberyl is the best know gem showinh chatoyancy and used alone usually refers to cherysoberyl many other stones produce cat's eye ,though ,including tourmaline and tiger's eye quartz.
cat's eye chrysoberyl is said to resemble the color of honey ,so you will see that color on one side and milky color on the other side.
fine cat's eye chrysoberyl is semitransparent,with a greenish or brownish yellow bodycolor.
the chatoyant band is a bright ,sharp silvery white or yellow and reaches all the way across the gemstone.the dome of the cabochon must be high enough to display the cat's eye distinctly.

Red Alexandrite

What is Alexandrite ?


Alexandrite a chrysobery, fine alexandrite looks purplish red in the incandescent light from a candle or a standard light bulb moved to sunlight ,it turns green or builsh green like corundum,spinel and garnet,can show color change.
An alexandrite's value depends on the hue ,tone and saturation of the two colors it shows and the degree of it's change ,the finest alexandrite switch from green to puplish red.
Fine alexandrite's red looks slightly brownish and it\s green slightly grayish.

learn about moonstone

What is Moonstone ?


when light strikes moonstone's alternating growth layer,the result is soft,delicate haunting gleam of color that appears to billow or float across the stone.
Experts prefer blue adularescence to white .the most prized moonstones display light blue bodycolor and bright adularescence .moontones white gray or brown bodycolos are least expensive .


What is Opal ?


opal is not a crystal ,instead it's made up of tiny spheres,these spheres are most often composed of sillica with about the same chemical composition as quartz.

when the spheres line up in rows,stacked like ping pong balls in a box,light waves bend around the spheres and break up into spectral hues.the size of the spheres and the way interacts with them determine the colors the opal displays,red is the most desirable.
the finest quality opals have black bodycolor emblazoned with large and distinct patches of many diffrenet intense bright colors.
In any opal,large patches and color are preferred over smaller ones without black areas.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

What is Gem ?

Some gems-like pearl ,amber,coral,and ivory are organic.this means they come from plants and animal.but most gems are minerals:natural,inorganic materials with specific chemical composition.most have a characteristic stucture too,and there is some minerals commonly found in jewelry stores:topaz,sapphire,emerald,and ruby

what is Diamond ?

 what makes diamond so special ? different people have different answers to that question .a research scientist might say it's condition under diamonds form in the economist might say it's their rarity .
a consomer might say it's their association with love and beauty.and  they'd all be right.

the natural world is commonly diveded into three kingdoms:animal,plant,and mineral .members of the animal and plants kingdoms are alive .that's means they are organic .mineral aren't alive and never have been :they are inorganic .diamond is a mineral .other mineral are common table salt and the tiny quartz grains in beach sand.

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