What is Cat's eye ?
Cat's eye
cat's eye stone contains needle like internal characteristic ,called inclusion ,that lie parallel to one another like the threads on the spool light reflects from the needles ,creqating a silky sheen.
cat's eye because of it's resemblance to cat's narrow pupil.
cat's eye chrysoberyl is the best know gem showinh chatoyancy and used alone usually refers to cherysoberyl many other stones produce cat's eye ,though ,including tourmaline and tiger's eye quartz.
cat's eye chrysoberyl is said to resemble the color of honey ,so you will see that color on one side and milky color on the other side.
fine cat's eye chrysoberyl is semitransparent,with a greenish or brownish yellow bodycolor.
the chatoyant band is a bright ,sharp silvery white or yellow and reaches all the way across the gemstone.the dome of the cabochon must be high enough to display the cat's eye distinctly.